A new way of building and delivering investment expertise

Past generations of investors who did not want to take the time to manage their money themselves delegated the task to professional investment managers.

This way of doing things is still dominant today, but change is in the wind as a new generation of investors seeks more control, more options, more flexibility, and more transparency.

The advent of model portfolios and separately managed accounts was a step forward towards more flexible and personalised service, but it came at a cost to investment managers. It caused "intermediation" – that is, the once close relationship between an investment manager and the investor was broken by a middleman, and investment managers no longer really know their clients. Close relationships with clients will be critical for success in the future and investment managers will need to engage with their investors to understand their needs better than they do now – but how can they connect?

Qvests solves this problem.

How do we do it? Qvests dispenses with the need of having an intermediary deliver investment expertise by directly connecting fund managers with their customers. By "investment expertise," we mean the research reports, investment recommendations, and model portfolios that investment managers already produce.

In addition, investment managers get the opportunity to demystify investments and educate their clients, improving their relationship through trust and engagement. The ability to connect directly with their clients means that investment managers will get to know them better by involving them in the investment process.

With Qvests, research analysts can build their watch lists, maintain Wikipedia-style research reports and build team consensus, enabling portfolio managers to construct and maintain model portfolios.

You client's hip pocket will also benefit, since delivering model portfolios directly to client portfolios is more cost-effective. There's no need for your clients to pay an intermediary for executing trades on their behalf.

The world is changing. Connect directly with your clients to improve their investment success, while at the same time increasing the demand for your services by using the newest social platform for investors.

To learn more visit our How Qvests works